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Apply for these Scholarships Before Christmas πŸŽ„ (High School & College Students)

Discover seven scholarships that both high school and college students can pursue before the holiday season. After all, who says the most valuable gifts can't come in the form of opportunities for academic achievement?

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We've compiled a list of scholarships that high school and college students can apply for before Christmasβ€”because who says the best presents can't be opportunities for academic success? πŸŽ„πŸŽ



Whether you're a high school senior with big dreams or a college student aiming for further achievements, these scholarships might just be the perfect gift under your academic tree. Let's unwrap the potential and make your educational aspirations a reality!


1. "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ Insight Scholarship


Eligibility: Any high school senior or undergraduate who is a U.S. citizen with at least a 3.0 GPA may apply for this scholarship.

Submit: To apply, write an essay on what the phrase β€˜Once upon a time in Hollywood’ sparks in you. ESSAY (400 – 500 WORDS)





Read more: When Is the FAFSA Deadline?



2. AI Innovators Undergraduate Scholarship



Eligibility: Any undergraduate student pursuing studies in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) field may apply for this scholarship.

Submit: To apply, answer each of the questions below in 500 words or less.

Max 500 words each:

1. Write a personal statement discussing your interest in AI, past experiences (academic or otherwise) with AI, and post-graduation aspirations.

2. Submit a description of an AI-related project or research that you have worked on, including the problem tackled, the AI technologies used, the process, the outcome, and the impact of the project.





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3. Whittel & Melton Magna Carta College Scholarship


Eligibility: Undergraduates, graduate students.

Submit: The applicants will be judged on their ability to answer in a clear and concise manner with questions provided. The essay should be no more than seven (7) paragraphs and 750 words. Applicants shall apply via email MagnaCarta@theFLlawfirm.com. Qualified applicants will be currently enrolled in an accredited College or University. The applicant must attend a college or university the following academic semester. Graduate students are welcome to apply.





Read more: Crafting Your College List: Tips and Advice for High School Students


4. Law Offices of Daniel Kim Scholarship – Fall


Eligibility: In order to be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:


Submit: Write an original essay of at least 1,100 words or more, and label the submission with your first and last name.




Read more: The Importance of Building Credit as a College Student



5. Medical Scrubs Collection Scholarship


Eligibility: Applicants for the Medical Scrubs Collection Scholarship must meet the following criteria:

Although all students with the above criteria are welcome to apply for this scholarship, preference will be given to students with a physical disability.


Submit: "Your submission should tell us what inspired you to pursue a degree in the medical field. Submissions should be your own unique work and cannot be published anywhere else online.
You may choose to complete one of the following projects:

Finalists will be chosen by Medical Scrubs Collection judges and notified after the submission deadline has passed. If your submission was chosen as one of our finalists, be sure to reach out to your family, friends and social media contacts and ask them to come to this page and vote for your submission.





6. Steven Penn Bryan Scholarship Fund


Eligibility: Any student who is in their late thirties or beyond and is pursuing a master's degree in counseling or a related field, such as social work, may apply for this scholarship.

Submit: To apply, tell us why you decided to go back to school to pursue this field and how this scholarship would help you reach your goals. What helped you decide to go back to school and get your masters in counseling or a counseling-related field? How would these funds be helpful to you? How do you plan to integrate mind, body, soul and spirit into your work? (400–600 words)





7. Brandon Tyler Castinado Memorial Scholarship


Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students seeking a degree in all nursing fields may apply. Military professionals and LGTBQIA+ members are especially encouraged to apply.

Submit: To apply, please tell us what your mission in joining the healthcare industry entails. (400-600 words)




As we dive into the festive spirit, let's not forget the gift of education that lasts a lifetime. Applying for scholarships is a step towards a brighter future, and with the right support, your academic dreams can truly take flight. If you're looking for personalized assistance, guidance, and support in navigating the intricate world of college funding, consider reaching out to College Funding Hero. Let's make your educational journey not only fruitful but also financially manageable.


Your dreams are worth investing in, and we're here to help you every step of the way. Happy holidays, and may the season of giving extend to the gift of education! πŸŽ“πŸŽ„πŸ’‘



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