5 Effective Study Methods for High School Students
Here are some important things to remember about how to study and how to study well for high school students. This will be a great to look back on when you want to improve your study skills.
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5 Effective Study Methods and Tips for High School Students
Finding the right balance between focusing, understanding, remembering, and taking a break is the key to studying well. And, just like with any task that takes a lot of mental or physical energy, it can be just as hard to get started as it is to do the task itself. Here are some tips to help you whether you need to study for a single test or want to learn how to study for a whole term and remember everything you learn.
So let's get to it!
1. Plan your time before you study
Plan to study for about two hours each of the five nights a week that are set aside for studying. It helps to plan your time by writing down your goals for studying at the start of the week and then figuring out how long each task will take. You should also figure out how important each task is and put the most important ones at the beginning of the week.
Set a time to study. Getting into the habit of studying is very important if you want to learn how to study well. If you know when you're going to study, you won't sign up for activities that conflict or waste time trying to figure out when you'll study, getting your materials together, etc.
Study in a setting that is similar to the test. Try to study at a desk where there are few or no other things going on. You might want to turn off your music and everything else that is making noise. When you take a test, it will also help you remember information if you feel like you're in a place you know.
2. Try different note-taking types
‍Master the techniques of effective note taking and you'll be rewarded with more time for other activities. Your notes will be easier for you to study if they are thorough, readable, and well-organized. Taking notes can help you remember crucial details and can be used to highlight important concepts or ideas that you need to go over again.
Make up your own bullet point system for notating your notes using any combination of numbers and symbols. Assign a star to ideas you want to remember, an exclamation point to those you want to memorize, and a happy face to those you want your teacher to go over again.
Use abbreviations and symbols to make your notes shorter. You don't have to write out every word if you can remember what a shorter phrase means. Just make note of the abbreviations you make so you do not forget, so use them repetitively.
Feel free to think outside the box. Draw pictures or comical things, or anything else that will help you remember what's important. Connect the cause to the effect with a line. Use highlighters of different colors. Mind mapping is a great way to organize the information you need to study in a way that is easy to see.
Setting a schedule and figuring out the most important things to study is a good start, but when it's time to study, be ready to keep your mind on the task at hand.
To begin, you should make it a priority to avoid engaging in activities that are likely to consume a significant portion of your day. For instance, before you start studying, walk with that cup of tea and snack, or put your phone in another room for the duration of your study timeframe. Which is a win-win situation to take a break from social media because it's healthy for your mental health.
Don't try to study right before bed or when you know you won't be fully awake or focused. Whenever you can, try to study during the day. Sitting in the sun can help you stay awake and alert if it's a nice day and it won't distract you.
Take frequent breaks. Find out how your body naturally works and how long it takes you to get back in the zone. If you can get back to studying right away, take a 5-minute break every half hour. If it takes you a while to get back on track, you might do better to take a break every hour and a half for 30 minutes.
Avoid multitasking. Trying to do too many things at once can make it harder to remember what you've learned and hurt your overall performance. High school students should study in a way that keeps them from being distracted as much as possible and makes sure they only think about one thing at a time. Let everyone in your house know that you need some quiet time, or go to a library or other quiet place to study.
Studying is more likely to become a habit if you can make it fun or entertaining at the same time. You are probably thinking, "studying? Fun? Where? Yes! Here are ways that it can be:
Create flashcards from your notes. Flashcards help you to retain the information you've learned while rewarding you by drilling these ideas into your head. Mark any concepts or subjects that you are having trouble comprehending or that need more explanation or memorization as you go over your notes. You can create flashcards, or try one of the many free tools available online for creating digital flashcards .And always remember to make them cute-looking and creative.
Make complex ideas more palatable by transforming them into images or stories. As you read about various concepts and themes, take note of particular words or phrases and associate them with an image in your head, a memory, or a story in order to improve your reading comprehension. When you can afterwards connect the knowledge with the tale or visual, this will also help you remember it.
Create a study group and learn from each other. While focused time alone is necessary for learning, mixing things up with a weekly study group can help keep things interesting. As others share what they learned from the subject, you can expand your own understanding of it. Check to see whether your friends share your commitment to become a better student. Having fun while studying together is encouraged, but remember that this is still a work session. Determine your group's potential by discussing what is expected of each member and beginning with a single, concentrated study topic.
5. Get enough sleep and develop an exercise routine
It's impossible to perform at your best if you're neglecting your health. It's difficult to concentrate and recall things when you're sleepy, hungry, or stressed out.
Ensure that you are getting enough rest. Only about 30% of teenagers report obtaining the recommended 8–10 hours of sleep each night, according to numerous research. Be aware of winding down for the night and turn off screens at least an hour before bed. Avoid attempting to study and stress soon before night. Instead of stressing all night about the duties you didn't complete during the day, establish a list for tomorrow.
Avoid junk food and take vitamins and nutrients instead. Eat foods that will give you more energy and keep your body and mind active as a reward for all of your hard work. Here are some foods that are high in nutrients that you should incorporate in your diet every day.
I hope this was helpful to you!
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